Fingerprint and .EFT Services

J&G Sales now offers electronic fingerprinting services, including .EFT digital fingerprint files, through LiveScan, plus quick and easy e-filing of form 4 transfers with the Cerberus NFA software.

For $99.95 we will take your fingerprints and prepare an encrypted .EFT file, and for an additional $4.95 we can provide copies of the .EFT file to your thumb drive or sent to you by email.


You get a discounted rate with the purchase or transfer of an NFA item! Your electronic prints are taken for a discounted one-time fee of only $60.00, and kept on file so there is no need to retake prints for future NFA purchases from J&G Sales. For NFA transfers, we capture the fingerprints, and transfer the .EFT data directly to the proper form 4 for you, and submit it electronically to the NFA, usually resulting in much faster approval times!

Print taking is done with the latest in Live Scan fingerprinting technology using an electronic scanner with no ink required!